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Crucible Summaries for Act I/II/III

Act One:
1.     Takes place in Parris home/1692 Spring/Salem
2.    Affair happens before play begins – 7 months ago – Abigail fired
3.    Girls caught by Parris Dancing/conjuring in the woods with Tituba
4.    Ruth/Betty cannot wake – send for DR—witchcraft suspected
5.    We find out that Mrs. Putnam who lost 7 babies in child birth has sent Ruth to Tituba to conjure the dead babies to see who killed them
6.    Parris sends for Mr. Hale – expert in Dark Arts
7.    Parris – not liked by congregation – fears losing his job because of this controversy
8.    Abigail –orphan – saw her parents killed by Indians- threatens the girls if they tell—drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor
9.    Tituba – they threaten to kill her unless she confesses – so she confesses and goes back to God.  Hale says that she has been sent by God to help “cleanse the village”
10.  Abigail “goes back to God” and starts crying out.
11. Girls start crying out on people in the town
Act Two:
1.    Takes place in John and Elizabeth Proctors home -8 days later
2.    John and Elizabeth’s relationship is very strained – Elizabeth has not forgiven John for the affair and suspects that he still has feelings for Abigail
3.    Elizabeth tries to convince John to go to court and tell that Abigail said it was just for sport
4.    Hale comes to check the Christian Status of the Proctors – 10 Commandments – forgets Adultery
5.    Mary Warren has been in Salem as an official of the court – we find out that several have been accused/sentenced to hang/jailed
6.    Mary Warren says that Rebecca Nurse and Elizabeth Proctor have been “somewhat mentioned”
7.    The accused must confess and live or deny and die
8.    Mary Warren gives Elizabeth a poppet that she made/needle in the tummy
9.    Abigail accused Elizabeth of sending her supernatural spirit out to attack her by pushing a needle in her stomach
10.  A warrant is issued and the poppet is used as evidence against Elizabeth
11.  Martha Corey, Rebecca Nurse, and Elizabeth are all accused of witchcraft and taken to jail—Proctor rips the warrant
12.  John Proctor tries to convince Mary Warren to go to court and tell the truth about the girls.
Act Three:
1.    Takes place in the church that is now acting as the court building/72 condemned to hang
2.    Giles Corey brings in a sworn statement that says Mr. Putnam made Ruth cry out on people to get their land (Jacobs)
3.    Mary Warren testifies that the girls are lying and that she lied. 
4.    Francis Nurse comes with a petition signed by 91 people who testify to the character of Rebecca Nurse, Martha Corey, and Elizabeth Proctor – the court orders all the people that signed the petition to be arrested
5.    Elizabeth Proctor is pregnant
6.    The girls turn on Mary/mimic/yellowbird/say she is sending her spirit out on them
7.    Proctor confessed to the affair and says his wife will not lie
8.    They bring in Elizabeth and she LIES about the affair to protect John’s name
9.    Mary then turns back to the girls and accuses John Proctor of Witchcraft and he is arrested.
10.  Proctor says “God is Dead!”
11. Hale quits the court
1. Jail cell in the Fall with Tituba and Sarah Good – Herrick Drunk – people set to hang in the AM
2. Parris praying with prisoners to save them – Abigail runs off with Mercy Lewis and steals his strong box money 31 pounds
3. Hale arrives to try and get Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor to confess so they will live
4. Get Elizabeth who is pregnant to convince John to confess
5. Proctor and Elizabeth clear the air and forgive each other – each confesses to faults
Finds out that Giles is pressed to death by rocks – more weight
6. Proctor signs confession but will not testify against anyone else
7. Danforth wants to post his confession on the church door
8. Proctor wants to save his good name for his boys so he tears up the confession
9. Elizabeth says He has his good name now I will not take it from him

10 Proctor, Rebecca, and Martha Corey Hang


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