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Two of Eleven Tools

Hmm PLN's who knew?  Didn't know there was a tech term at all.  The only "PLN" I had been a part of up to this point was through USATF - United States of American Track and Field and their comment section.  It links to my Gmail account and sends me updates when folks feel pressed to comment.  After reading a few of the posts, it seems like rather than a "comment" section, it was a bluster/complain section and they are usually deleted with little fanfare.  The PLN's that I looked at for Educators/Education were of a different ilk.  They were supportive, informative and thought provoking.  The "Rules of Commenting" was a classic and it should be a mandatory read for all those who " comment" away behind closed doors anonymously. In the commenting publicly inner debate, this one usually errors on the side of um " no comment" but when presented with the idea of "teammate" commenting, that went down better.  All for positive encouragement for the team AND asking clarifying/qualifying questions of said team.
As far as personal uses of PLN's, I would lean toward bloggin/podcasts/webinars/flickr because they seem to fit in more strongly with my needs and skill level as well as materialize/produce information that might be helpful to others.  Delving into DIIGO, might be in this minibloggers ( this is only my second blog ever afterall)future.


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