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8 is Great

Super excited about having the Dells in the room along with the Ipads - the kids need to be able to work on both a PC and Mac.  I am planning an Andy Rooney project along with the persuasion unit and the kids can use the Dell camera as well as I movie - great to know we have additional tools.

AND learned how to sync the classroom Ipads off my teacher Ipad

Regarding classroom management - the kids are really good about using the technology.  Currently I have a cow with 20 Macs that they have used off and on all year.  They are good citizens and take good care of them.  As 8th graders I don't feel like they should be micro managed.  The expectations for behavior were set at the beginning of the year.  "it is important to have clear guidelines and procedures in place so students know and understand the expectations for classroom use." Agreed.


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