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Showing posts from January, 2012


PREZI- used to show 12 different Persuasive Commercials for my LS classes to analyze I need to be more pro-active about exploring technology, immediately using any new tech skills so I can work through the kinks and get comfortable utilizing them in the classroom, and reworking old assignments with new technology    Renewed the notion about myself that I DO love to learn new things, I just need to get over the procastinating and the anxiety and geterdone

10 is our Digital Friend

Online lasts forever, your reputation on -line follows up where ever you go, you really are not anonymous Wes Fryer - "Movin at the Speed of Sound" After years of teaching and coaching, I have several anedotes that explain the importance of digital citizenship - the discussion actually comes up easily with the LA curriculum.  Additionally, I would ulitze Fryer at the beginning of each year. With the Parents, DCitizenship can be addressed at "Parents Night"  

Why was 6 afraid of 7? cause 7 8 9 9th tool humor

Is is important as educators to tie Technology to an objective so the students view Tech as a educational tool AND so they know why they are doing what they are doing. "Communicate, Collaborate, Create" In order for their to be learning, the students must be accountable for meeting said objectives Thinkin Snappy words, Glogster and Lexipedi would be dandy Apps for Language Arts - would use Google Docs to interface with the students regarding the Apps Use Ipads in stations on Google Docs to create a group narrative... each station could focus and add another element

8 is Great

Super excited about having the Dells in the room along with the Ipads - the kids need to be able to work on both a PC and Mac.  I am planning an Andy Rooney project along with the persuasion unit and the kids can use the Dell camera as well as I movie - great to know we have additional tools. AND learned how to sync the classroom Ipads off my teacher Ipad Regarding classroom management - the kids are really good about using the technology.  Currently I have a cow with 20 Macs that they have used off and on all year.  They are good citizens and take good care of them.  As 8th graders I don't feel like they should be micro managed.  The expectations for behavior were set at the beginning of the year.  "it is important to have clear guidelines and procedures in place so students know and understand the expectations for classroom use." Agreed.

7777777 o 7

There is a collaboration between the 8th grade L.A. teachers with the Persuasive Unit - part of the unit focuses on Persuasion in Advertising. The objective will be for the students to accurately identify the persuasive techniques utilized in the commerials as well as be able to identify Claim and Support. This will be implemented immediately as we are currently teaching the Persuasion Unit. Tools:  Lit Book, Handouts, Google Docs, Prezi,Activ board I created  PRezi presentation in two parts with 6 commerials in each.  The document shared on Goolge Docs goes along with the PRezi.  I have shared the Prezi with the other teachers as well as the document on Google Doc-- they in turn can share the Doc with their classes and show the Prezi on their Activboards

6th Tool O 11

Edmodo and Google Docs work efficiently in the classroom.  Google Docs funtions were mentioned in previous posting, but I just recently shared a new Document with coworkers for a little collaboration and received feedback - quick and clean Edmodo is new to me and creating the groups was new for me, but now I am ready to use Edmodo for warmups and perhaps with Riddle Me This, which was previously done on Friday in Powerpoint form and pencil and paper. Now I will easily be able to check for accuracy. My edmodo URL

That 5th Tool

Ok so love having the WEB 2.0 on the NEW Library Resources page - First used Web 2.0 options with the kids Summer Reading.  Rather than the typical "poster" for their Summer Reading Project, the Grade Level kids used Big Huge Labs and created Playing Card for the Protagonist/Antagonist/ Seeing Storybird as an option, I signed up for an account and created a story using artwork that the kids will have to actually write the narrative.  This will be a good way to review/utilize plot elements early in the year.  Could be a great group activity. Additionally, LOVE Prezi- used a Persuasion Prezi with the kids today to examine commericals and what persuasive techniques were present.  What appeals were used? What type of support? Additionally, LOVE Prezi- used a Persuasion in Commercials Prezi with the kids today to examine commericals they see on TV and what persuasive techniques were present.  What appeals were u...

4th o 11 TOOLS

Google Docs is an amazing tool that Karen Rodgers had already introduced to the LA team two years ago.  My classes have been utilizing Google Doc since last year to turn in assignments to me, to complete group work or tasks, and to use personally for assignments between home and school - no longer having to email from one account to another. Craftily I shared a GDoc with my 8th grade LA team a worksheet  that went along with my Prezi Presentation on Persuasion in Commercials that I put together and shared with them from Tool # 3.  I asked them to look at the Gdoc and make suggestions or revisions.... on to Numero 5

Third o Eleven Tools

Oh my goodness, Wendy Smith was an inspiration at just the right moment.  She presented in staff today on how to utilize PREZI and lo and behold, it was so user friendly I cranked out a presentation for my kids on Persuasion in commerials for class tomorrow AND I could use it as my imbedded link for my 3rd tool!  The proverbial two birds baby. And believe it or not, I already had a Dropbox account as USATF ultilizes it to share video of the elite athletes with coaches. On to #4

Two of Eleven Tools

Hmm PLN's who knew?  Didn't know there was a tech term at all.  The only "PLN" I had been a part of up to this point was through USATF - United States of American Track and Field and their comment section.  It links to my Gmail account and sends me updates when folks feel pressed to comment.  After reading a few of the posts, it seems like rather than a "comment" section, it was a bluster/complain section and they are usually deleted with little fanfare.  The PLN's that I looked at for Educators/Education were of a different ilk.  They were supportive, informative and thought provoking.  The "Rules of Commenting" was a classic and it should be a mandatory read for all those who " comment" away behind closed doors anonymously. In the commenting publicly inner debate, this one usually errors on the side of um " no comment" but when presented with the idea of "teammate" commenting, that went down better.  All for posi...

Tool Number One

Finally, logged in and got started and well um, enjoyed it. Really cannot call it creative problem solving when the directions were so intuitive , but I felt creative.   I had some trouble navigating back and forth from the directions to back to the blog spot, but that is USER error for certain.  The directions were helpful and I especially appreciated the mini videos.  Lovin on- line learning to date.  Thanks SBISD  and Karen Rodgers for helping me become more Tech Savvy