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Letter to the Editor Self Edit

Read through the letter one time BEFORE you start the edit
1.    Write out the topic:
2.    Write out the claim in their letter:
3.    Write out the first sentence in the letter:
4.    Does the first sentence grab your attention?( remember, the first sentence DOES NOT have to be the Claim)If yes, how/if not ,how could they improve the sentence?
5.    Have they utilized
a.     Logos
b.    Pathos
c.     Ethos
6.    Identify the type/s of support they used for Logos: stats, facts, quotes, experts, example
7.    Have they used emotion/Pathos?  How?
8.    Identify any persuasive techniques utilized
9.    Is the language they used persuasive language? DICTION
10. Have they voiced their own opinion in the letter?
11. Is the letter POSITIVE? Don’t rage
12. Write out the opposing viewpoint:
13. State the counterargument:
14. Did they use opinion or facts as their counterargument?
15. Write out the Call to Action:
16. Is the letter formatted correctly? Circle ANY errors:  spelling, spacing, punctuation, citations: quote Eistein states, “………” make sure and put in ref lists
17. If they used a quote, is it cited/introduced correctly?
18. Have they written out the date?

19. Identify two elements to add or correct that would improve the strength of the letter.


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