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Students were given a copy in class to paste in the notes side of their journals on page 13 TEST OCT 7th
Roots-First Nine Weeks

1.  am or ami-love or like

amorous-of or relating to love

2.  anima-life, mind
inanimate-not endowed with life or spirit

3.  fid-faith, trust
fidelity-the quality or state of being faithful or loyal

4.  hetero- different
heterogeneous-mixed; varied

5.  anthro- man, mankind
misanthrope-a person who hates or distrusts humankind

6.  chron, chrono-time
synchronize- causing to occur at the same time

chronological- arranged according to the order of time

7.  cogn- know
cognizant- mindful, aware

8.  homo- same
homogeneous- of the same kind or similar in nature

9.  ced- go
recede-to move back or away

10.  bibli or biblio- book
bibliophile- a lover of books

11.  grat- thanks, pleasing
gratify- to give satisfaction to

12.  cred- believe, trust
credible- believable

incredulous-not believing

credulous- ready to believe anything; gullible

13.  dict or dic-say
contradict-to say the opposite of

14.  err-wander
erratic-having no fixed course; wandering

15.  min/minu-little, least, smallest
minuscule-rather small

minutiae-trifles; small details

monotonous-tediously uniform or unchanging

monopolize-to assume complete control of; to take over



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