Students were given a copy in class to paste in the notes side of their journals on page 13 TEST OCT 7th Roots-First Nine Weeks 1. am or ami -love or like amicable- friendly amorous- of or relating to love 2. anima -life, mind inanimate- not endowed with life or spirit 3. fid -faith, trust fidelity- the quality or state of being faithful or loyal 4. hetero- different heterogeneous- mixed; varied 5. anthro - man, mankind misanthrope- a person who hates or distrusts humankind 6. chron, chrono -time synchronize- causing to occur at the same time chronological- arranged according to the order of time 7. cogn - know cognizant - mindful, aware 8. homo- same homogeneous- of the same kind or similar in nature 9. ced- go recede- to move back or away 10. bibli or biblio - book bibliophile- a lover of books 11. grat - thanks, pleasing gratify- to gi...