Monday August 25: EAGLE CAMP Tuesday August 26: Informal Letter/Tone/Voice Example of an Informal Letter Prewrite questions HMWK: TYPED Rough Draft of Informal Letter to Mrs. Watson Due Thursday August 28th Wednesday August 27: Introduce Blooms Taxonomy Blooms Pyramid Level's of Learning according to Andy Griffith Partner Clocks Thursday August 28: Directions for Edit Self Edit 10 steps Peer Edit 10 steps Letter to Mrs. Watson Revision HMWK: Type Final Draft of Letter to Mrs. Watson - Due AT THE BEGINNING of class on Tuesday Sept 2nd TYPED: Times New Roman, 12 pt font, Double spaced, with header Friday August 29: Introduce Summer Reading PROJECT Go over requirements, Rubric, and project examples HMWK: Create account, select template, begin work on the "About ME" section in Google Docs - Final WEBSITE DUE September 9th FOR TUESDAY - Bring Summer Reading Book/Comp Journal/Final Draft of Letter to ...